Category: Electronics

Electronics, Ham Radio

Fixing my NanoVNA V2

Fixing my NanoVNA V2

Cool little VNA

In early March I decided to buy the NanoVNA, a small lightweight Vector Network Analyzer. The main goal was to have a device that will give a little bit more information than my…
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Electronics, Ham Radio

Yaesu FT-857 CAT mod

Yaesu FT-857 CAT mod

I recently bought the Yaesu FT-857, replacing my ICOM 7000 (great radio BTW) and I realized that I can’t connect both CAT and tuner to the FT-857. As usual, google is my best friend and I…
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ESP32 Internet Radio

ESP32 Radio

ESP32 Radio

Why using internet radio?

Not long ago we replaced the light in the kitchen to new LED lamp. On the next morning we discovered that the LED driver is creating a lot of noise and blocking the commercial…
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Resetting ATTiny85 Fuses


The Story Behind

ATTiny85’s are sweet

Almost everyone who mess with the ATTiny85 end at least one time with a dead one caused by bad fuses. I’m in that group 🙂…
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